Are you struggling to formulate story ideas or land assignments?

Our industry can feel extremely competitive, especially as more outlets pull back on freelancer budgets or shut down entirely. It is tough. But it’s not impossible.

How do I know? I’ve placed stories at The Washington Post, National Geographic, BBC, Lonely Planet, and elsewhere.

I hear writers complain that no one is replying to their pitches. I hear them say there is no work right now. You might have THE BEST STORY IDEA EVER. But if you don’t know how to convey it to an editor, those stories will go untold. Or worse, they’ll be told by someone else who sent a killer pitch on the same topic. If you want to land assignments,

You need a story that stands out.

You need a strong pitch to capture the editor's interest.

I help writers:

  • identify what’s holding them back

  • find and develop non-fiction story ideas

  • learn strategies for creating multiple angles

  • polish pitches to catch the attention of editors

  • close the deal. Many writers drop the ball on the follow-up. You might hook them with the initial pitch, but can you pivot to provide more info or propose an alternative angle if needed? I teach writers how to do this effectively so they don’t let a potential assignment slip through their fingers

I offer discounted coaching sessions on a case-by-case basis. Please email me for details.

You can find my published work (reported pieces, personal essays, and hybrids) in National Geographic, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Glamour, CNN, BBC, Lonely Planet, and elsewhere.